Netflix’s failed reality TV Show „The Perfect Match”

So, I watch a lot of shows and Netflix reality tv shows are a dirty pleasure. I usually never talk to my friends about them because they keep disappointing me.

Lately, I saw the Perfect Match and oh boy do I have a lot to say about it.

There are some genuine and quirky reality tv shows that I loved like „The Mole”. I also watched „too hot to handle” to fill the time or before sleep. They are catchy and my estrogens want to see some connections happen and last at least outside the world. Unfortunately, they ended as soon as the show ended.

„The Perfect Match” is a bad example of reality TV Show for certain reasons, like:

  • If the show is about finding love and connections, then don’t bring emotionally unavailable characters. (e.g. Francesca, Chase)
  • Do not focus most of your scenes on manipulative characters. They should not be in the show like. One example is Francesca Farago.
  • Do not accept characters that are staging their emotions and their actions. Reality tv shows should contain unscripted actions (e.g. Shayne)
  • You don’t lie to your people about sleeping arrangements and put them in uncomfortable positions.
  • The scenes picked sometimes did not make any sense. It felt like the producers didn’t show the relevant scenes which led to some unmatching.

Netflix’s, Perfect Match seemed like a staged manipulative show. It simply gives a bad reputation in general to reality tv shows and the concept of dating.

I can’t lie, I was so pissed off at the show. All I saw was a clash of a few genuine and fame-starved characters that didn’t belong. Let’s talk about them.

  • Joey Sasso was a character that I grew fond of until I saw the marriage proposal. A lot of scenes were focused on his commitment issues and he also talked about his addiction issue.

I do believe his feeling towards Kariselle were genuine most of the time. The picture portrayed was too life-changing to end in a realistic proposal. I believe Joey Sasso used his strong connection with Kariselle to bring a fairy tale twist. That was mostly to milk some popularity.

From a character that seemed to go through positive changes, he stopped the moment he proposed and spoke with the parents. Do you know how stressful that is for a parent? That action was so selfish and impulsive. It was made to project that image of how sensitive and changed he was which was fake. (after also finding out they broke up after the show)

  • Francesca, Francesca, Francesca Farago…I have a lot to say about this one. First of all, she is a narcissistic woman with no emotional maturity or compassion toward others.

I never liked her in her other shows like „too hot to handle”. Francesca Farago was always a very superficial person with impulsive and selfish actions. In the first few episodes and her interviews, I was surprised but skeptical. I thought she gained a bit of emotional maturity but oh boy, was I wrong.

While I understand the discomfort of sleeping with a stranger, most of the rooms had couches so that is not an excuse. In her interview, she talks about being bullied by Savannah which I disagree with. Francesca Farago said in an on/ off emotionally involved relationship for one year before the show. If you are aware that this impedes your whole „idea” of dating then don’t get involved in the show.

Savannah claimed she was dating for 3 weeks and 3 weeks will never compare with one year of emotional involvement with someone. In conclusion, Francesca fucked up.

She tried to save face in an interview by saying Dom suffocated her. Why did she complain about the lack of physical touch then? A suffocated person would never complain of that.

An emotionally mature person, would have an open discussion with the partner or just let him go for others. (regardless of the beef you have with Savannah)

She acted out of pure narcissism, chose Damian, called him an easy way to escape, and broke what she had with Dom. Not once, did she have an honest, discussion or considered his feelings. (and you call yourself emotionally mature mate?) Funnily enough, she called Damian her friend and she felt safe sleeping in the same room. (lame-ass attempt at a save).

All the while, she showed her selfish nature by still showing possessiveness towards Dom. Excuse me, but why is a woman like Francesca who treats people like puppets and not looking for love on the show? Possessiveness can happen when you still have unresolved feelings. It is toxic when it comes after you decided to break it off in your mind but used him to stay in the house.

Francesca played the show like she was a puppet master. While she claims she wasn’t manipulative, her actions in the show and also in her interviews prove otherwise. Francesca manipulated Damian, and showed 0 empathy for Abby’s preferences. That is not a sign of having your guard up but of a lack of empathy. Safe to say, she was clearly in the show for the good old fame.

  • Shayne Jansen is intense and this comes from his attention deficit which is understandable up to a point. In all reality, I never once thought his relationship with Chloe would last because of his impulsivity.

So hear me out on why I think this character shouldn’t have been on the show. Throughout the show I believed him and thought he was genuine in finding a connection,n. After seeing interviews, I do think he was more interested in playing a character. I saw some of his words and people claiming he was building things up for a narrative. it just goes to show the lack of respect he had for the idea of being genuine or finding a genuine connection. I don’t doubt he felt something for Chloe, but I doubt it was as intense or that he believed he found his „perfect match”. I believe he played it more for the camera with insincere and played-out emotions.

  • Chase DeMoor seems like a male version of Francesca Farago. While it hasn’t naturally been confirmed that he had or did not have a girlfriend, he wasn’t for the right reasons.

Look, I have nothing against someone who is a flirt until he tries to make a mockery of the concept of the show. I don’t believe he was in there to date, and I was glad he got kicked out. (after he attempted to manipulate Georgia). Even at the finale, if you didn’t learn anything then it was a failed chance that was given to him in the first place.

  • Mitchell Eason, while he had a certain purpose, he is such a confused person that he treats everything superficially. My question is…what are you doing here?

If he was brought to help Chloe grow out of her skin and get over him then job well done. If he was considered as a person potentially for dating then he shouldn’t have been at all on the show. That male wannabe is such a confused child that doesn’t know what he wants, in life. If you’re not up to at least trying to date or have a serious connection, then you shouldn’t have been at all in the show. Also, what the actual fuck is that „ferk” thing replacing „fuck” (it’s pathetic). Be a goddamn person and assume your cussings.

Some noteworthy characters are:

  • Kariselle baby, you were such an annoying child, but I also empathized with you. First, save yourself the pain and don’t make marriage your ultimate goal but find the right person for yourself. You were a victim of a social construct, and I hope you grow out of it. When marriage will happen, it will happen naturally. Your loyalty to Francesca was so annoying because you were manipulated and that is not friendship. Please, stop being so naive.
  • Ines Tazi was the person I was instantly drawn to. She had such a grown, emotional maturity and in the end, she didn’t disappoint. I had mixed feelings about her choosing Damian, and it did feel a bit that she lost her values to stay more. I can understand when your values become a bit gray because of peer pressure, and you become a bit lost. In the end, Ines stayed true to herself and left. (she has my full respect for her actions)
  • Georgia Hassarati, I have to say that never once was I disappointed seeing you. I think you are the perfect example of emotional maturity combined with genuine, empathic thinking. You deserved to be the winner even if the relationship didn’t last. You deserve to be happy and all I can say is…keep knowing your worth because the world needs more people like you.
  • Chloe Veitch was the person that pleasantly surprised me the most. I never liked her in „too hot to handle” and disliked her even more in „the circle”. I kept my fingers crossed for her not to show up on „The perfect match”. What surprised me is how mature she was in this show compared to the previous ones. I’m glad I saw you Chloe and you changed my whole perception of you in the show. You still have a lot to learn, but you are more mature, less superficial, and more empathetic. All of this, while still keeping your goofball, authentic self. I salute your growth.
  • Will Richardson you came to the show and I was happy to see you up until you opened your mouth. You treated the game like a superficial competition. The only thing I can give you props for is that you had the balls to admit your mistake in the end. It means you grew a bit more and I hope you keep learning and appear in more shows.
  • Dom Gabriel wears his heart on a sleeve and he was one of the most genuine people that you can find. Unfortunately, because of that, his love life will always be a draw of luck. I do believe he should become just a bit more assertive in the future.
  • While nobody enjoyed Bartise, I have to say a few things. I do think he is very upfront and not necessarily a dick as described. It does feel like his conversation with Ines came from a place where he didn’t feel appreciated. I respect his switch to Izzy because the difference between them is Izzy’s emotional maturity is shown. Ines appealed to his emotional, empathic side. Abbey drew more of his childish endeavors, but Izzy appealed to his level of maturity.
  • Abbey is a child who doesn’t exactly understand that human emotions work differently for everyone. Her insecurities show up through impulsive reactions. While I can’t blame her for that, I do think she should have been the model for bisexual women instead of Francesca. I had a lot of expectations on that part and I do respect her for sticking up to her values. She does have a lot to grow in her level of understanding.

People will say this is a reality TV Show and that it was scripted and that is exactly why Netflix failed. A reality show should not have scripted scenes and should choose scripted scenes that do not bring confusion to the viewer. The outcomes and decisions should consist of scenes that build up to it and make sense.

The fact that Netflix failed in doing so only shows that they centered the show on ratings. They didn’t focus on actually making a good show.

P.S. For anyone saying Francesca Farago was savage and a bad bitch I will say this. A bad bitch is brutally honest and sticks to her decisions without trying to save face in interviews. Own it up! A savage person is not afraid of confrontations and stands her ground but she failed in doing so also.

The little mermaid or Disney’s shameless publicity stunt

Once again, Disney has proven that they don’t care about the cultural origins behind the inspiration used for their movies. They also went on the controversial bandwagon to get more views.

So, what is the problem with the new Ariel actress?

The original, physical appearance of Ariel in the book and animation is:

„Her skin was as clear and delicate as a rose leaf, and her eyes as blue as the deepest sea;”.

Her looks are emphasized in the book because of her unique coloring.

This matters because her red hair and fair skin with blue eyes represents a minority of 2% of the population. Gingers have also been historically persecuted as witches, devils and mutants.

The fair skin is a trait that was specific to the nordic countries ( vikings had more redheads there at that point in time). Why? Science shows the skin pigmentation came from the low sunlight as they have a geography with rocky, high altitude and low sun.

Back to the Ariel from The Little mermaid matter. Her came from the dutch culture hence why the physical appearance is specific to them. The rarity and historical events of ginger people were rooted in the book as well as in the animation.

The whole action is also happening on the sea and the boat itself. Anyone with two braincells knows that it is a refference to the viking, sea faring idea that nordics have historically had.

Also, there are a few more symbols:

The character Ursula was inspired by a famous cross-dressing performer Divine. She/He was associated with the openly gay filmmaker John Waters.

Eric’s crew in the animation as they are introduced, they do an irish dance. This leads us back to the historical point of the Vikings opening up the sea faring trade routes from Ireland to England and Europe. The marriage between Ariel and Eric enforces that as it happens on a boat.

Triton has atmokinesis powers which Triton didn’t have and his appearance is very similar to Odin or Aegir (knows as the god of sea in norse mythology). Both norse gods had atmokinesis powers.

Another aspect i have seen is: people confuse Hans Christian Andersen’s inspiration. They say the little mermaid was inspired by african folklore and i tend to disagree for this very reasons:

The little mermaid book was released in 1837 and Hans’s first trip to Africa was in 1862 so there is a discrepancy of 25 years in the timeline.

The story is more similar to the folklore of Selkies. It originated after scottish settlers encountered native Saami women on Finish islands.

One of them is from Faroe Islands and presents us with a selkie that retrieves her skin to save her husband from a tremendous storm. She can no longer take part in the human world after retrieving her skin (sounds simmilar?)

What about the singing? In his biography, Hans Christian Andersen is known for his love of singing and dancing so why wouldn’t he incorporate those elements in his books?,Scandinavia%20after%20these%20groups%20arrived.

Disney has claimed s that the only actress that fit with the voice was Halle Balley which makes me sincerely doubt their intentions .

Disney is known for producing kids shows by requiring actors to also be singers. You simply can’t honestly tell me that this is the only actress that fit the voice standard, but not fit the physical appearance of the character.

It is not the first time that Disney decides to disrespect well written characters and the culture behind them. Somehow now they did it on an actual iconic character that people grew up with and it’s symbolic value was much highly rooted.

Now, that we have established why Disney is disrespectful towards the author, culture and certain minorities, let’s talk to why it is also disrespectful towards the black community.

Every culture, minority deserves to have it’s story told in my opinion. A story with their specific cultural inheritages represented by symbols.

How can you use a a character that doesn’t fit the age period of the story, the symbols, the culture, the geography at that point. It simply looses substance and it looses all the iconic traits it has that used to make it a good story. Most of the acclaimed movies have accuracy and good acting behind them.

Disney used blackwashing as the centre point of being inclusive towards their community. For so many years, the black community has complained and deemed whitewashing as being a wrong act. Is Disney trying to make an irony towards their complaints? Is it a reaction test to prove that they are hypocritical enough to accept wrong racial things as long as it puts them in a spotlight? I would hope not although there are a lot of tweets that seem to find nothing wrong with it. It only shows again how much America has fallen socially and lives in a bubble with 0 consideration from the cultures they take stories from.

So why is this disrespectful towards the black community? Because Disney decided to be inclusive using whitewashing, destroying a symbolic trait of the culture it took the story from and clearly being aware of the controversy it would stirr to gain more publicity on their behalf. Did it work? Let’s see the stock prices over the weekend of 10th september. As you can see they were going down before that.

Their website traffic grew but also, when i searched for keywords, i suddenly found this on their new paid keywords list:

And this is the growth regarding the keywords mermaid and Ariel and how they grew in positions after the controversy. Unfortunately the site doesn’t let me check the traffic by day but i’m sure we can all agree how much traffic they took in after this:

How did the media react after this?

A lot of the media such as Huffpost, Variety, Forbes and Vox decided to jump in the bandwagon and call the people whom disagreed racists. They ignored the fact that the premises of the change is racist itself (whitewashing) but showed mostly tweets of excited children. They did not necessarily show the „racist” tweets they claim were posted.

Sure, there are tweets that are simply racists but from both parties, not just one. The media decides to ignore that. Most of the people have an issue with Ariel because her physical appearance is symbolic to the nordic countries (vikings had a bigger percentage of redheads than other countries). Also because it was armonious with the other cultural symbols in the animation and that was disrupted and it just doesn’t make sense now.

Here are a few examples of the other party and how their racist words are not being shown because the media doesn’t care:

Also, here are some top tweets from the #notmyAriel so you can see the „racism”. now it is boycotted by people calling other racists…because they just can’t seem to get themselves out of their „American issues” to realize this is about culture.

This is not a white vs black problem and people don’t seem to be willing to understand that but it’s more of a cultural appropiation . Unfortunately the physical appearance is quite symbolic because of it’s rareness.

Like many other American viewpoints or controversies, the people are showing ignorance towards foreign cultures. They make a cultural problem into a race problem but fail to aknowledge the racist means used that made the problem in the first place (because it’s not American and who cares about non american issues).

They call out people who disagree as being racists because again, that’s what the black community does. I’m from a country that literally, historically had nothing to do with the colonization of America. if i disagree on any topic with an American person of color (rarely happens with a person of color living outside of America, wonder why) I’m called racist.

It goes to show how rooted certain aspects are and the present decline and barriers formed between the communities. Why barriers? Because again, they don’t care about the outside cultural issues of other countries unless it is American (socially speaking). If they do, they always bring their own views or make it a racial aspect even if it isn’t. I honestly feel like Americans and i mean all Americans give 0 shits about foreign culture and just project their own issues in ignorance. It’s demeaning and i’m disgusted by their double standard reaction but also by their superficial mentality.

Romanian hypocrisy with Covid-19

Remember a few years back when the accident from the pub Collectiv happened and everybody was crying for the innocent souls? (expect for religious dummies)

I don’t see anybody crying over the deaths from Covid-19 these days nor sharing their stories so everybody can learn from them. Yes, the deaths from Collectiv were tragic as they burned alive but so are the deaths from the virus Covid-19, because no matter how you put it, it’s still horrible to die intubated and feeling like your body has no energy for anything.

So why aren’t my lovely romanians crying over them? Because there is one slight difference that apparantely and unavoidably made them uncaring to these deaths.

When people died at Collectiv, none of the Romanians were personally affected but indirectly, emotionally affected by the tragic situation that happened. None of them had direct repercursions over the population so it was easier to care and show your care about the case itself.

The deaths from Covid-19 affected all the population as they put in an emergency state to limit the virus and the state didn’t handle all that well the situation hence the whole population was affected. People lost their jobs, stood isolated for 2 weeks or more inside the house with a few hours where they could shop and supply, people with other diseases couldn’t get any treatment at all which led to a lot of missused anger.

When Romanians get angry about something, they loose all the logic and rational thinking and so they divided into two sides: the ones that protect themselves and others and the ones that think that this virus is a conspiracy for many other conspiracies. (i bet when we get the number of 666 infected people, they will say it’s the apocalypse)

Nobody will mourn the deaths from Covid-19 because people are still affected by the rising cases and limited by the government’s laws which leads me to think of how selfish they are. In these times, you can precisely see who is altruistic and caring by nature and the persons that do it for social gratification.

I believe the virus exists because i had friends that went through it and i still hope that people will protect themselves so we can limit the deaths, limit the situation and get rid of this virus. Even if people believe in conspiracies, i think they would rather have the virus situation be done but i don’t understand why they are not doing something about it and continue to spread their ignorance but also put themselves and others in danger. You can talk about conspiracies after the pandemic is over….instead of influencing others to put themselves in danger and be just as ignorant.

After seeing people’s responses with all the conspiracies possible, i have come to the ideea that if the romanians are not held responsible for their ignorance with Covid-19, we will never be over with the virus. People that break the obliged quarantine and infect other people should be treated as a criminal offence.

Right now, the only obliged quarantine is existent to the people that are already infected or asymptomatic. We can all take the conclusion that if they break it and infect others then they are putting other people in harm’s way or even in death’s way (intentionally) so how are they different from the other criminals? They are not…

Back to the topic at hand, we have over 1000 deaths and nobody mourns them like they mourned the deaths from Collectiv, nobody cares or nobody wants to care…why? Because they have personally been affected by the repercursions so i can only conclude that they are hypocritical.

Romania nu-si merita medicii!

Nu este o concluzie la care am ajuns in timpul pandemiei cu coronavirus ci o concluzie pe care o sustin de ani intregi vazand cum sunt tratati atat de stat cat si de populatie.

Nu afirm ca toti medicii sunt usa de biserica deorece intr-adevar exista si poame rele ca in orice domeniu, dar pot afirma ca s-a format un stereotip in tara atat din cauza presei manipulate de politicieni cat si din cauza coruptiei.

De ani intregi, exista o aversiune generala asupra mediciilor si vreau sa dau cateva exemple de ce s-a format aceasta prapastie in relatiile dintre medici si pacientii.

1.Daca ati stat vreodata in sala de asteptare si ati asteptat cu orele nu este din cauza ca medicii se scarpinau in fund ci din mai multe considerente deoarece o consultatie este formata din:

– preluarea informatiilor de la pacienti adica datele personale.
– consultarea pacientului adica: cercetarea de simptome atat constientizate de catre pacienti cat si cele care n-au fost constientizate.
– diagnosticul care pentru unii pare floare la ureche nu? NU, defapt asta este partea cea mai grea a unui medic. De ce? Fiindca daca iei o carte de medicina sa o rasfoiesti o sa vezi ca sunt multe boli cu aceeasi simptomatica. Nu intotdeauna ai simptomul diferentiator dintre boli si atunci normal ca trimiti omul la mai multe analize incercand sa-l afli. Il poti afla la analize? De multe ori da, dar pana acolo tot trebuie sa-i dai ceva pacientului ca sa-i diminueze din simptoame.
– Diagnosticul, trimiterile si retetele care trebuie scrise de mana si care apoi sunt urmate evident de intrebarile pacientilor. Apropo toate aceste informatii sunt scrise si in registru si apoi trebuie bagate in programul casei de asigurari (care abia merge) deci ia timpul de scris asociat acum si dubleaza-l.

2. Aversiunea mediciilor catre pacienti:

Exista, dar de ce? Fiindca au fost cazuri intr-adevar de poame in sistemul medical si inteleg si pacientii care si-au pierdut fiintele dragi, dar hai sa clarificam urmatoarele lucruri:

– de la existenta unor poame s-a ajuns la generalizarea tuturor mediciilor si de acolo la tratarea tuturor ca pe niste calai, nu ca oamenii specializati in domeniu care vor sa te ajute.

– de multe ori (adica mai tot timpul) medicii primesc urmatoarele seturi de pacienti:

* pacientul autotstiutor care se cearta cu ei ca a citit el ceva pe internet si si-a pus singur diagnmosticul si vrea doar anumite medicamente.
* pacientul care injura in sala de asteptare si cand intra, are numai pretentii si lipsa de respect fata de tot personalul.
* pacientul care ameninta atat medicul cat si toata familia lui.
* pacientul care isi lasa copiii sa faca ravagii prin cabinete ca ce domne: sunt copiii si se joaca.
* pacientul care nu asculta de recomandarile mediciilor si apoi vine inapoi la el si blameaza medicul fara sa-si asume propriile greseli ca pacient si fara macar sa informeze medicul de acest lucru. ( multi medicii deja trebuie sa aiba detector de minciuni ca sa nu faca greseli din cauza lor)
* pacientul care refuza sa trateze si apoi vine plangand ca de ce se simte mai rau.

Bun, acestea sunt stereotipurile negative zilnice cu care medicii se intalnesc si multi dintre pacienti fac tam tam pe facebook fara sa-si asume propriile greseli astfel influentand si promovand o agresivitate generala catre medici si cu care respectivii medici se confrunta zilnic.

In orice alt domeniu poti refuza sau nu clienti in functie de comportamentul lor catre tine, dar daca tu ca medic refuzi atunci esti considerat ca fiind un criminal si te poti astepta la presa sau postari virale care sa-ti distruga reputatia, implicit uneori cariera.

Ce promoveaza in general presa?

De ani intregi presa promoveaza astfel:
-partea pacientului care nu este tot timpul adevarata.
-declaratia unui manager al spitalului care poate sa fie sau nu doctor si care prefera sa sacrifice un doctor indiferent ca este sau nu vina lui pentru a nu isca un scandal mai mare.
-ca medicii au salarii mari si acum hai sa exploram acest subiect. Majoritatea site-urilor prezinta salariul brut ( si scriu asta deobicei intr-un colt mic sau o singura data pe articol ca sa instige populatia sa aiba impresia ca vai ce salarii enorme au). La medicii de la privat nici nu zic ca majoritatea baniilor pe care ii castiga se duc pe salariile asistentilor, autorizatii, echipamente, retete, ustensilele de baza care le permit sa practice si cheltuielile de baza ale cabinetului.
Acum haidi sa va povestesc ce nu va informeaza presa cel putin la medicii de la privat.
Un medic privat trebuie sa raporteze in fiecare luna toate consultatiile pe aceea luna prin programul facut de Casa de Asigurari care va zic sincer, arata ca un program facut in anii 1999-2000. La fiecare sfarsit de luna cu cateva zile inainte, fiind un program prost facut aceea aplicatie nu mai merge.
Daca medicul nu raporteaza toate consultatiile atunci ii se taie sume considerabile din salariu fara sa se tina cont daca este sau nu vina lor. Bun, unii stau peste program ca sa nu tina pacientii sa astepte si baga toate informatiile la sfarsitul zilei inainte de sfarsitul lunii cu vreo 10 zile. Cea mai buna solutie nu? Asta am sugerat si eu unui medic, dar apare urmatoarea problema:

-informatiile nu ajung la server si atunci apare in programul pe care il are medicul, dar nu si in sistemul casei de asigurari. Ai crede ca daca medicul se duce cu dovada fizica, vizuala ca totul se rezolva, dar nu se rezolva fiindca nu-i intereseaza si atunci, pa pa salariu complet.

Acum cativa ani, medicii au vrut sa faca toate aceste nedreptati public. Ce s-a intamplat? S-a intamplat ca li s-a inchis gura. Cum? S-a aflat cine si au fost trimise controale excesive. Controale care i-au amendat pentru aberatii cum ar fi:

– amenzi au fost date pentru: gasirea unui fir de praf, sticla cu gel dezinfectant pe jumatate gol sau fiindca nu era plasat fix la intrare si putin mai departe etc.

Revenim acum la aversiunea mediciilor catre pacienti: cand presa te freaca, statul te freaca, toata populatia te freaca doar fiindca ti-ai ales meseria aceasta si atatea nedreptati sunt cauzate, cum sa iti mai faci meseria cu placere?

De ce in presa nu sunt mentionate si nedreptatile catre medicii? din cauza coruptiei, din cauza intereselor personale si fiindca au vazut cat de usor pot fi manipulati oamenii.

Situatia de acum:

In timpul pandemiei cu coronavirus au fost destule reportaje in care medicii se plangeau de lipsa de echipament. Sars-Covid19 este un virus care se raspandeste de doua ori mai usor decat precedentul lui, SARS, dar cu procentul de mortalitate mai mic. Da, mortalitatea este mai mica, dar datorita faptului ca virusul acela se raspandeste mult mai usor, o sa ai o arie mult mai mare de oameni infectati si atunci procentul acela pe care il consideri ca fiind sub 10% inseamna defapt un numar mult mai mare de oameni.

Romania din cauza mentiunilor de mai sus are o lipsa foarte mare de medicii fiindca majoritatea pleaca si cei buni pleaca in tari unde sunt tratati mult mai bine si exista un respect reciproc.

Cum tu ca tara, sa trimiti medicii in prima linie in bataia cu acest virus fara sa le dai echipamente si apoi sa te prefaci surprins cand unii pleaca? Adica dupa ce tu ca tara ii tratezi pe medici ca ultimul rahat din sant te surprinde acest fapt si continui sa-i denigrezi chiar si dupa ce iti plang continuu ca n-au echipament si Firea este mult mai ocupata sa achizitioneze autobuze?

Cine va mai trateaza pe voi oamenii de coronavirus daca tu ca tara proasta de cap iti infectezi medicii? Tot acei medicii nu? ok, dar daca intra in stare grava de intubatie, cum trateaza ceilalti pacienti? Tinandu-i de mana si sperand la Dumnezeu?

Ce se intampla cu ceilalti bolnavi care n-au coronavirus? Toti pacientii cu cancer, diabet, probleme cardiace, ciroze si alte boli care se pot agrava daca nu sunt tinute sub supraveghere? Cine trateaza acei oamenii daca medicii nostri vor fi infectati? Daca starea lor se agraveaza si mortalitatea creste a cui va fi vina? A medicilor? sau a statului care i-a pus in aceasta pozitie? Care de-a lungul anilor i-a denigrat si acum ii trimite ca pe niste porci la taierea de Craciun?

In loc ca tara, sa fim uniti si sa facem tot posibilul sa ne mentinem medicii care sa ne trateze tocmai pentru a nu ridica procentul de mortalitate in tara, noi inca ii denigram si ne batem joc de ei si cumparam autobuze ( moasta pe gheata Firea!).

Este vina statului si a presei corupte pentru stereotipul creat asupra tuturor mediciilor, dar si a populatiei care in loc sa verifice informatiile, mananca tot ce prinde fara sa verifice sau sa afle toate informatiile inainte de a da o judecata competenta.

Poame sunt in orice domeniu, dar nu poti trata si mi se pare o idiotenie sa generalizezi toti medicii dupa cateva poame. Scuza-ma, in alte domenii daca se greseste ceva, de multe ori ori este amendat sau se trece cu vederea. In medicina, o greseala poate fi fatala si chiar daca nu este, poate insemna sfarsitul carierei acelui medic indiferent cat de bun este.

Nici nu vreau sa zic ca tocmai aceasta pandemie de coronavirus a aratat defapt unde este prostia si coruptia si ma intreb acum? Cat de orbi sunt ceilalti de nu vad aceste lucruri logice? Cat de ingusti la minte sunt oamenii de nu isi dau seama de aceste lucruri importante si au doar asteptari? Stiam ca natura umana este egoista si este incapabila sa vada imaginea de ansamblu, dar acum imi dau seama ca egoismul exagerat este in sine o dovada de prostie si de lipsa de inteligenta fiindca pe viitor, oricat de mult ai profita acum poti pierde tot daca continui sa cauti profitul de moment si nu te gandesti pe termen lung.

Alte tari cu succes in combaterea acestei pandemii ii trimit la inchisoare pe cei care incalca carantina (cei infectati) si noi doar ii amendam (indiferent ca cei pe care i-au infectat constient au murit)…ce ziceam mai sus de „profitul pe moment”. Pana si in aceste momente de criza, suntem incapabili sa gestionam cat sa ne gandim la ce este mai bine pentru tara asa ca inchei aici cu afirmatia: „Nu ne meritam medicii si imi pare rau ca am ajuns la concluzia ca Romania isi merita soarta si mai ales imi pare rau de victimele colaterale a acestor oameni prosti”.

P.S. Imi cer scuze in prealabil de greselile evidente care vor fi corectate in timp doar ca stresul si nervii au cerut acest articol.

Boredom post

I have not done a post for a long time, I know!
My hobby of arguing with the extremists has not yet diminished, just as the lack of time reduces the volume of material so I have been looking for another way to waste energy or say to evolve certain skills.
I sometimes need to write quickly to work, and preferably best, before grabbing my artwork with a little spelling and how it’s a bit difficult in the morning to start speeding while the brain is not yet awake.
That’s why I made a 10-15 minute habit while drinking coffee so i can use my time doing something pleasant and exercise my typing skills.

and it has Captchas! All kinds of them!
Yes, I found a site that you only do them and it actually pays, so why not?
On this occasion, you also have statistics that you can see and how many mistakes you made when it’s the case, but also the speed with which you wrote that jibberish of letters and numbers. My only problem is that it also gives you characters in other languages, and you don’t have much of a choice but to give „Do not know” which is okay, as long as you do not use it too often.
I did not have to search many sites for taking some of the top of those who are not scam because the internet is generally scam. I told you when I tried to order a superhero suit and for 5 months, did not come at all? That’s how I taught myself to do a little research before.

So the site I use is called ProTypers and is very easy to use.
The platform is very user friendly and you have on the left, all the tabs needed to get or see the statistics, the contests you went into, the affiliate codes and the guidebooks.
Depending on the day schedule you choose to make CAPTCHAS you have a certain income for 1000 resolved captchas that starts at $ 0.50 and can go up to $ 1 and if I remember correctly, $ 1.4 if you give the captcha puzzle type.
It would be recommend to check the statistics tabs and see which are the hours that pay best and work from there.
You can go into contests and actually win some but be careful, when you do a wrong Captcha it multiplies it with 20 and takes it out of your total score so i recommend accuracy instead of speed in contests.

What i don’t like about it is the windows app because it basically shat on my accuracy and it’s something that fucks you up if you don’t have a stable internet connection or it loads hard. You miss out on the time and end up working for nothing so from my point of view, stay away from the typesolver because it’s in beta version and it doesn’t work.

Anyhow, can’t give you anymore tips on this but have fun if you decide to join and do some captchas.

Clientul Romanas

Prin citirea acestui articol, va asumati ca puteti fi unul dintre stereotipurile de clienti romanasi.

  1. Romanasul zgarcit

Romanasul zgarcit este clientul care nu este niciodata multumit de pretul initial sau de ofertele care ii sunt transmise si cauta tot timpul sa ii se ofere reduceri pe anumite motive cum ar fi: ca este client nou, ca are multe comenzi si de-a lungul timpului daca pretul ar ajunge la 0, ar fi cel mai fericit.

2. Romanasul Wonder Woman

Ce bine este cand primesti o comanda mai maricica ca pana la urma asta inseamna mai multi bani, dar ce de rahat sunt unii care testeaza terenul ca sa-ti trimita defapt o comanda care din punct de vedere al orelor lucratoare, nu poate fi realizata. Adica, pe bune inteleg sa facem tot posibilul, dar ce se intampla cand tot posibilul este o exagerare mult prea mare care se extinde dupa acele ore lucratoare de ajungi sa visezi proiectul noaptea? Inteleg ideea de a multumi clientul, dar asta nu inseamna sa acceptam nesimtirea lui ca totul ii se cuvine si noi am devenit super eroii care sa strangem din cur si sa lasam toata viata persoanala ca sa lucram 12 ore pe zi.

3.Clientul Spock

Clientul Spock este preferatul meu deoarece cu el poti avea comunicarea cea mai deschisa si fara pretentii supraomenesti. Cu acest client poti colabora cel mai bine deoarece fiecare isi cunoaste interesul si amandoi sunt constienti ca sunt necesare eforturi din ambele parti.

4. Clientul intarziat

Acest client este cel care te va tine intotdeauna pe muchia cutitului fiindca stii ca atunci cand vine, vine cu o urgenta. Nu va cere imposibilul ci va fi fix la limita, dar tot ce va cere va fi totusi fezabil. Va accepta costurile presupuse urgentei si intotdeauna iti va fi foarte recunoscator ca i-ai rezolvat problema.

5.Clientul nehotarat

Daca este ceva mai evervant decat clientul care te considera wonder woman atunci acela este cel care este nehotarat fiindca cand e da, cand e nu si apoi revine iar cu un da sau nu dupa ce incepi proiectul. Intr-adevar, in unele cazuri poate fi amuzant desigur, mai putin atunci cand esti pe la jumatatea proiectului si se razgandeste.

6. Clientul poligam

Poligam? Pai da fiindca iti trimite inainte de toate proiectele de la alte firme tot pe domeniul tau cat sa-ti zica ca este nemultumit si apoi te anunta ca vrea mai bine. Ok, dar cum e poligam? Simplu, daca asa a procedat cu tine, chiar crezi ca cu altii nu va proceda la fel si proiectul tau nu va fi descoperit competitiei?

7. Clientul mesager

Clientul mesager este cel care iti zice de proiect, dar atunci cand ii ceri mai multe detalii, nu stie nici el ce vrea mai exact. De ce? Fiindca este doar un mesager care face ping pong intre tine si clientul adevarat din spate.

Cu care din cei mai sus te intelegi cel mai bine? Pentru mine este clar ca cu cel de tipul Spock si cel cu urgente.

Ce ti-e si cu protestul

Inainte de a citi asta: NU sunt cu PSD-ul si nici nu vreau sa fie un articol pro PSD asa ca sa ma scutiti de acuzatii cretine si proiectii extremiste doar fiindca nu sunt de acord cu totul dintr-o anumita tabara.


Bun! Acum ca am clarificat asta pentru cei care o sa gandeasca putin logic la ce o sa zic.

Cu totii stim ce s-a intamplat la protestul din ziua de Vineri seara, in P-ta Victoriei si cumva acum tot protestul s-a mutat si pe facebook si toata lumea isi exprima inversunarea. Vreau doar sa clarific anumite lucruri care vad ca nu-si au rostul si cumva se repeta fiindca oamenii nu fac diferenta.

  1. Scopul nu scuza mijloacele. Asa cum pagina mea de fb este plina de batrani si copiii batuti de jandarmi asa nu inseamna ca nu pot empatiza si cu jandarmerita batuta de protestatari. Daca oamenii considera ca aceea jandarmerita isi merita soarta, atunci exista o mare problema de valori. Nu voi fi niciodata de acord cu aruncatul de gaze cu lacrimogene in copiii si batrani, dar nici cu 10 persoane dispuse sa bata una singura. In sine, nici o situatie nu este corecta si trebuie sa ai o viziune destul de extremista ca sa incerci sa justifici vreuna din ele.
  2. Copiii si batranii n-au ce cauta la protest. Sunt prea multe discutii pe ideea ca ” vrem sa le aratam copiiilor cum este sa protesteze pasnic” si cumva isi justifica actiunea prin vorba ” Numai la noi sunt gazati copiii la proteste pasnice”. Asta este o lipsa de dezinformare fiindca sunt destule cazuri in alte tari in care au venit oamenii cu copii la proteste ce se voiau a fi pasnice si au fost gazati. Trebuie sa fii putin naiv sa vii cu mentalitatea ca o sa fie un protest pasnic si sa nu te astepti la un asemenea lucru si o foarte mare iresponsabilitate din partea parintilor. Copilul vine in primul plan, intotdeauna. Sa te duci la un protest intr-o tara corupta cu copiii sau batranii este o doza de iresponsabilitate fata de ei, mai ales cand in trecut, s-au mai folosit lacrimogenele pentru a desparti populatia.

Exemple de proteste pasnice unde a fost o asemena situatie

  • Protestul din August 2017, impotriva discursului lui Trump. Oamenii au venit cu copiii pentru un protest pasnic. Cand jandarmii au fost provocati de oameni care au aruncat cu sticle de apa in ei, au dat drumul la gaz si grenade lacrimogene pentru a desparti multimea.
  • In 2014, la protestul din Hong Kong numit si ” the umbrella movement” care a fost un protest pasnic, fortele de ordine au dat cu gaz si grenade lacrimogene tot in scopul sa desparta multimea.
  • In 2017, la protestul din America, de la ” Dakota Acces Pipeline” protestari au facut un mars pentru a-si proteja pamanturile si au dat de grenade cu gaz lacrimogen si gloante de cauciuc pentru a-i face sa plece.
  • In 2018, in protestul din Puerto Rico de pe data de 1 mai, care a fost pasnic, s-a lasat la un moment dat cu copiii fugind de bombele cu gaz aruncate pe strazi.

Alte proteste unde au fost situatii similare: Protestul din Turcia ( iunia 2013), Barcelona (2012), Polonia (2017-2018).

3. Nu toate lucrurile trebuie transformate in politica. Cand Simona Halep a primit cheia orasului, mi s-a parut de rahat sa inceapa lumea s-o huiduie pe Firea desi evenimentul era NUMAI DESPRE SIMONA. Se numeste protocol ca ea sa primeasca cheia orasului de la primar care era FIREA. Asta nu inseamna ca lumea sa-l transforme total cu si despre politica si sa strice un moment. Daca Simona si-a exprimat dorinta de a nu fi asociata cu politica, lumea s-a cacat pe dorinta ei fiindca in toata presa straina acel moment este asociat ca fiind un moment politic.

4. Nu toate opinile diferite inseamna ca sunt pro PSD. Acum 2 zile, cineva a adus un articol din Lege care zicea ca protestele ar trebui sa se incheie la ora 23:00 (Legea 60/1991, articolul 2). Toata lumea a sarit arsa de cur in sus cu insulte si injurii la adresa persoanei. Daca vrei ca legea sa fie respectata, mi se pare normal sa dai un exemplu bun si s-o respecti si tu la randul tau altfel dai dovada doar ca LEGEA este aplicabila doar in anumite ipostaze. Am inteles ca gazele lacrimogene au fost folosite inainte, dar pe de alta parte au fost folosite fiindca au existat instigatori in multime si daca te uiti la protestele enuntate mai sus din alte tari, fortele ordine au reactionat si la sticle de plastic aruncate in ei.

Tot pe acest subiect, nu mi se pare normal sa existe ideea ca „daca nu esti de acord cu noi, inseamna ca esti pro PSD”. Nu bre, inseamna ca in ciuda inversunarilor, pot alege actiunile cu care sunt sau nu de acord fara sa fiu orbit/a de inversunare si sa scuz mijloacele pentru scop. Daca stam sa gandim numai prin lentila inversunarii, nu o sa intelegem niciodata cu ce s-a gresit de a ajuns guvernul cum a ajuns sau ce are nevoie o anumita parte a populatiei pentru a nu mai face greseala de a vota cu partidul corupt. Daca aceste lucruri de baza, nu pot fi intelese, atunci asteptati-va sa iasa iar si iar partidul corupt la vot.




10 trasaturi ale persoanele auto-intitulate

Ce este o persoana auto-intitulata? Este aceea persoana care isi atribuie un titlu bazat deobicei pe nepotisme si care se foloseste de asta pentru a-si creea propria reputatie din reputatia altora.

1. Persoanele auto-intitulate deobicei provin din familii instarite care au muncit toata viata ca sa se faca cunoscuti, iar ei sunt deobicei acel plod care intr-un conflict iti baga replica ” Bha, tu stii cine sunt eu?” sau ” Bha, eu sunt fiul lui cumatrul x”.

2. Ignoranta este o trasatura foarte des intalnita deoarece aceste persoane sunt semidocte si considera ca au cunostintele supreme pana le dai cu abcedarul in cap si atunci contesta toata cultura romaneasca.

3. O trasatura specifica a acestor persoane este incapatanarea deoarece sunt se trezesc cu vorba ” eu nu pierd” si o mentin pana pe patul de moarte. Nu exista dezbateri cu ele ci „n-ai dreptate” sau ” eu am dreptate” si apoi un filtru de ignorat complet ce zice cealalta persoana.

4. Ca sa recunosti o persoana auto-intitulata intr-un grup nu trebuie decat sa te uiti la persoana cu gura cea mai mare si sa-i faci o gluma legat de orgoliu. Vezi tu, orgoliul este mantuitorul lor deci trebuie sa-l apere cu pretul vietii, indiferent daca acel orgoliu il duce pe cai gresite sau pe calea prostiei.

5. Persoanele auto-intitulate se vor remarca cu cererea lor de respect si bun-simt atunci cand vorbesti cu ei. Desigur, aceasta cerere nu este viceversa fiindca la prima ocazie, o vor incalca si te vei gasi cu frigiderul plin chiar daca tu le-ai respectat limita. Respectul nu este o cale intoarsa ci doar un bilet de dus.

6. Acest gen de persoane se hranesc din influentabilitatea celorlalte persoane si vor tine langa ei doar persoane care sa-i pupe in cur altfel nu se vor simti bine sau ” supremi”. Ele nu vor sinceritatea ci submisivitatea unei persoane, slab de creier care sa-i vada ca pe niste „zei” ce sunt. Aici cateodata mai trebuie sa le zici ” Ai gresit buzunarul, baiete”.

7. Daca te uiti in istoricul lor de pe google o sa gasesti „quotes for being an alpha” fiindca cumva trebuie sa-si valideze persoana de lider si sa para culti. Alte referinte mai sunt ” Genghis Khan”, ” Bruce Lee” si „Emil Cioran” fiindca de altii cu siguranta n-au mai auzit. Ah, sa nu uitam ca probabil au parolele pe internet „alphamale 13” fiindca in primul rand ei se cred liderii alpha si apoi trebuie sa bage si numarul 13 ca sa arate ca sunt spheshiul.

8. Nu o sa-i vezi prea mult in ingramadeli de oamenii sau or sa stea intr-un colt sa te judece, deobicei dupa adidasi sau dupa cum esti imbracat cu arfe de pitzipoanca expirata. Se aplica atat la masculi cat si la femele. Daca ai indraznit sa nu fii pe acelasi sincron cu ei, te trimit la colt sau iti primesti block pe toate retelele sociale fiindca ai indraznit!

9. Au si parti pozitive, se uita la filme si cateodata mai trag un ochi pe un articol de Stephen Hawking.  Rezultatul, in schimb este ca o sa-ti abereze dupa teoriile lor in timp ce erau fumati pe ilegale si o sa-ti faca un discurs science-fiction care o sa sfideze toate regulile fizicii.

10. ATENTIE! Nu va apropiati cu vreo carte de ei fiindca o sa zica ca sunteti satanisti care doriti sa-i stropiti cu putina cultura generala si ei sunt atat de perfecti incat cartile au ajuns sa-i evite.



Stricati sau doar maturi?

Ce inseamna sa fii o persoana puternica sau o femeie puternica ?

De multe ori acest lucru este interpretat gresit de multa lume ca o caracteristica de indiferenta fiindca multi nu sunt atenti la detalii.

Daca iti ofer libertatea sa iesi cu prietenii tai, chiar si cu fostele cu care ai ramas prieten nu inseamna ca nu-mi pasa de tine. Inseamna ca sunt destul de matura cat sa te las ca individ sa iei responsabilitatea deciziilor tale si sa-ti asumi consecintele in caz ca o dai in bara. Te las sa fii destul de inteligent cat sa nu faci lucruri care tie nu ti-ar place sa-ti fie facute.

Daca nu te stresez in fiecare ora a zilei este fiindca inteleg ca esti un individ si ca fiecare persoana are nevoie de timpul si spatiul lui singur. Singurele momente in care o sa te stresez este atunci cand simt ca ceva nu este in regula sau ca ascunzi lucruri pe care le putem comunica si rezolva impreuna.

Daca dupa o cearta, iti dau explicatia de ce am reactionat in acel fel este ca in timp sa incepi sa intelegi de ce si cum reactionez sau care sunt acele puncte sensibile din cauza careia am ajuns in acel stadiu.

Daca nu ridic tonul, nu te jignesc si daca nu tip in timpul unei discutii contradictorii sau certuri, inseamna ca iti acord un anumit respect care ma astept sa fie reciproc.

Daca atunci cand ne despartim, nu iti fac o scena, nu plang sau nu iti sar in cap, este fiindca nu vad logica. Este fiindca in acel moment, mecanismul meu de aparare nu permite eliberarea unor emotii care ar putea sa iti influenteze decizia. Ai luat o decizie atunci spoer ca esti pregatit pentru responsabilitatea si consecintele care vin impreuna cu ea. Nu vad rostul obligarii unei persoane sa participe la partea ta emotionala daca a fost atat de usor sa renunte la tine. Prefer sa plec cu barbia in sus chiar daca poate drumul spre casa va fi mai greu. Demnitatea este atat de importanta si trebuie aparata fiindca este ultimul lucru pe care vrei sa-l pierzi pentru o persoana care pur si simplu nu te merita.  Asta nu inseamna ca nu o sa ma gandesc la tot si ca in timpul in care o sa fiu singura , nu o sa am o rabufnire de emotii in confortul meu.

Pentru persoanele care se intreaba de ce ? Fiindca de multe ori, ne-am saturat de rautatiile oameniilor si cumva ca sa ne aparam de rautatea lor, ne controlam emotiile pana in punctul in care cateodata devenim atat de detasati fata de persoane incat este foarte greu sa iti dai seama ce si ce nu ne deranjeaza. Cateodata intelegem uneori ca trebuie sa lasam oamenii sa-si urmeze drumurile si sa dea singuri cu capul de perete fiindca altfel, oamenii nu invata.

Cateodata cele mai puternice persoane, sunt deobicei cele mai ranite si empatice, dar care nu-si permit sa-si arate emotiile fiindca stiu ca ceilalti vor profita de ele.  Nici macar nu-si dau seama din cauza egoismului si orgoliul, dar vor face asta.  De multe ori, tocmai persoanele puternice, care se gandesc atat de putin la cum sa intoarca situatiile negative in favoarea lor sunt cele care sufera cel mai mult.

Poate ca suntem niste persoane stricate sau poate ca astea sunt de fapt calitatiile unei relatii mature. Nu stiu, dar observ de multe ori ca scandalurile si scenele emotionale sunt mult mai apreciate fiindca sunt vizibile si high maintenance, dar persoanele calme, mai greu de citit care incearca sa iti ofere sau sa te invete de bine, ajung persoanele de treaba, lasate si uitate intr-un colt.

Barbie doll

Mai stiti acum 20 de ani cand fetitele se jucau cu papusile Barbie si cumva, am fi vrut sa ajungem sa aratam cumva ca ele fiindca erau la moda, mai era si melodia de la Aqua pe care o fredonam inainte sa ajung sa ascult Marilyn Manson sau Three Days Grace. Cumva papusa aia plastica cu forme perfecte, pielea bronzata si machiajul perfect era ceva la care sa aspiri in copilarie, dar timpul a trecut.

Cumva, de-a lungul timpului ideea de frumusete s-a schimbat de la buzele roz la buzele rosii si tenul palid. Parul blond se transformase in roscatul acela rar cu pistrui sau negru ca taciunea desi undeva tot visam macar odata sa am si buclele de aur. Am avut si imi statea ca un cur, dar macar mi-am facut damblaua si la un moment dat imi cumparasem si lentile albastre ca sa fie totul cum trebuie. Eh, timpul a trecut si prin facultate deja nu mai conta atat de mult culoarea parului, culoarea pielii sau a ochiilor ci am inceput sa caut simetria si sa apreciez simetria trasaturilor. Pe de alta parte, un zambet senin era ca un mic ” buna dimineata” intr-o zi cu soare.

Standardele de frumusete  fizice cumva s-au schimbat de la ceva superficial la ceva fizic care cumva era imbunatatit de personalitatea omului. Acum, in schimb, ma intristez sa vad cate femei au ramas la standardele de papusele Barbie in care avem sprancenele tatuate, obrajorii plini de acid hialuronic si buzele date cu botox. Ce sa mai, golul femeilor in viate este sa arate ca niste rate pictate de Van Gogh dupa o repriza de LSD. Nu mai este deloc apreciat primul rid fin sau cearcanele care iti dadeau o alura mai goth cand putem sa avem totul perfect. Putem avea formele perfecte dupa ce bagam bisturiul in noi, putem avea barbatul perfect dupa ce il sufocam in decolteul scandalos si ii trimitem un botic de rata rujata cu oglinda intoarsa.

Unde este femeia eleganta ? Femeia care denota frumusete prin gesturi si imbracamintea care lasa loc imaginatiei ? Unde este femeia clasica care nu are nevoie de un masacru al fetei cu kilogramele de make up pe ea ca sa impresioneze? Chiar s-a ramas in acel stadiu al copilariei in care femeia perfecta a ajuns papusa Barbie ? Femeia, in zilele noastre pare a fi in portretul de copila superficiala si plastifiata. Avem optiuni cu carul si totusi putine relatii se leaga fiindca majoritatea se destrama dupa ce se duce atractia fizica. Aceea atractie fizica pe care se bazeaza femeile Barbie si care se concentreaza atat de mult pe ea ca dupa cateva luni sau un an, iti dai seama ca ai o forma fara fond langa tine.