Netflix’s failed reality TV Show „The Perfect Match”

So, I watch a lot of shows and Netflix reality tv shows are a dirty pleasure. I usually never talk to my friends about them because they keep disappointing me.

Lately, I saw the Perfect Match and oh boy do I have a lot to say about it.

There are some genuine and quirky reality tv shows that I loved like „The Mole”. I also watched „too hot to handle” to fill the time or before sleep. They are catchy and my estrogens want to see some connections happen and last at least outside the world. Unfortunately, they ended as soon as the show ended.

„The Perfect Match” is a bad example of reality TV Show for certain reasons, like:

  • If the show is about finding love and connections, then don’t bring emotionally unavailable characters. (e.g. Francesca, Chase)
  • Do not focus most of your scenes on manipulative characters. They should not be in the show like. One example is Francesca Farago.
  • Do not accept characters that are staging their emotions and their actions. Reality tv shows should contain unscripted actions (e.g. Shayne)
  • You don’t lie to your people about sleeping arrangements and put them in uncomfortable positions.
  • The scenes picked sometimes did not make any sense. It felt like the producers didn’t show the relevant scenes which led to some unmatching.

Netflix’s, Perfect Match seemed like a staged manipulative show. It simply gives a bad reputation in general to reality tv shows and the concept of dating.

I can’t lie, I was so pissed off at the show. All I saw was a clash of a few genuine and fame-starved characters that didn’t belong. Let’s talk about them.

  • Joey Sasso was a character that I grew fond of until I saw the marriage proposal. A lot of scenes were focused on his commitment issues and he also talked about his addiction issue.

I do believe his feeling towards Kariselle were genuine most of the time. The picture portrayed was too life-changing to end in a realistic proposal. I believe Joey Sasso used his strong connection with Kariselle to bring a fairy tale twist. That was mostly to milk some popularity.

From a character that seemed to go through positive changes, he stopped the moment he proposed and spoke with the parents. Do you know how stressful that is for a parent? That action was so selfish and impulsive. It was made to project that image of how sensitive and changed he was which was fake. (after also finding out they broke up after the show)

  • Francesca, Francesca, Francesca Farago…I have a lot to say about this one. First of all, she is a narcissistic woman with no emotional maturity or compassion toward others.

I never liked her in her other shows like „too hot to handle”. Francesca Farago was always a very superficial person with impulsive and selfish actions. In the first few episodes and her interviews, I was surprised but skeptical. I thought she gained a bit of emotional maturity but oh boy, was I wrong.

While I understand the discomfort of sleeping with a stranger, most of the rooms had couches so that is not an excuse. In her interview, she talks about being bullied by Savannah which I disagree with. Francesca Farago said in an on/ off emotionally involved relationship for one year before the show. If you are aware that this impedes your whole „idea” of dating then don’t get involved in the show.

Savannah claimed she was dating for 3 weeks and 3 weeks will never compare with one year of emotional involvement with someone. In conclusion, Francesca fucked up.

She tried to save face in an interview by saying Dom suffocated her. Why did she complain about the lack of physical touch then? A suffocated person would never complain of that.

An emotionally mature person, would have an open discussion with the partner or just let him go for others. (regardless of the beef you have with Savannah)

She acted out of pure narcissism, chose Damian, called him an easy way to escape, and broke what she had with Dom. Not once, did she have an honest, discussion or considered his feelings. (and you call yourself emotionally mature mate?) Funnily enough, she called Damian her friend and she felt safe sleeping in the same room. (lame-ass attempt at a save).

All the while, she showed her selfish nature by still showing possessiveness towards Dom. Excuse me, but why is a woman like Francesca who treats people like puppets and not looking for love on the show? Possessiveness can happen when you still have unresolved feelings. It is toxic when it comes after you decided to break it off in your mind but used him to stay in the house.

Francesca played the show like she was a puppet master. While she claims she wasn’t manipulative, her actions in the show and also in her interviews prove otherwise. Francesca manipulated Damian, and showed 0 empathy for Abby’s preferences. That is not a sign of having your guard up but of a lack of empathy. Safe to say, she was clearly in the show for the good old fame.

  • Shayne Jansen is intense and this comes from his attention deficit which is understandable up to a point. In all reality, I never once thought his relationship with Chloe would last because of his impulsivity.

So hear me out on why I think this character shouldn’t have been on the show. Throughout the show I believed him and thought he was genuine in finding a connection,n. After seeing interviews, I do think he was more interested in playing a character. I saw some of his words and people claiming he was building things up for a narrative. it just goes to show the lack of respect he had for the idea of being genuine or finding a genuine connection. I don’t doubt he felt something for Chloe, but I doubt it was as intense or that he believed he found his „perfect match”. I believe he played it more for the camera with insincere and played-out emotions.

  • Chase DeMoor seems like a male version of Francesca Farago. While it hasn’t naturally been confirmed that he had or did not have a girlfriend, he wasn’t for the right reasons.

Look, I have nothing against someone who is a flirt until he tries to make a mockery of the concept of the show. I don’t believe he was in there to date, and I was glad he got kicked out. (after he attempted to manipulate Georgia). Even at the finale, if you didn’t learn anything then it was a failed chance that was given to him in the first place.

  • Mitchell Eason, while he had a certain purpose, he is such a confused person that he treats everything superficially. My question is…what are you doing here?

If he was brought to help Chloe grow out of her skin and get over him then job well done. If he was considered as a person potentially for dating then he shouldn’t have been at all on the show. That male wannabe is such a confused child that doesn’t know what he wants, in life. If you’re not up to at least trying to date or have a serious connection, then you shouldn’t have been at all in the show. Also, what the actual fuck is that „ferk” thing replacing „fuck” (it’s pathetic). Be a goddamn person and assume your cussings.

Some noteworthy characters are:

  • Kariselle baby, you were such an annoying child, but I also empathized with you. First, save yourself the pain and don’t make marriage your ultimate goal but find the right person for yourself. You were a victim of a social construct, and I hope you grow out of it. When marriage will happen, it will happen naturally. Your loyalty to Francesca was so annoying because you were manipulated and that is not friendship. Please, stop being so naive.
  • Ines Tazi was the person I was instantly drawn to. She had such a grown, emotional maturity and in the end, she didn’t disappoint. I had mixed feelings about her choosing Damian, and it did feel a bit that she lost her values to stay more. I can understand when your values become a bit gray because of peer pressure, and you become a bit lost. In the end, Ines stayed true to herself and left. (she has my full respect for her actions)
  • Georgia Hassarati, I have to say that never once was I disappointed seeing you. I think you are the perfect example of emotional maturity combined with genuine, empathic thinking. You deserved to be the winner even if the relationship didn’t last. You deserve to be happy and all I can say is…keep knowing your worth because the world needs more people like you.
  • Chloe Veitch was the person that pleasantly surprised me the most. I never liked her in „too hot to handle” and disliked her even more in „the circle”. I kept my fingers crossed for her not to show up on „The perfect match”. What surprised me is how mature she was in this show compared to the previous ones. I’m glad I saw you Chloe and you changed my whole perception of you in the show. You still have a lot to learn, but you are more mature, less superficial, and more empathetic. All of this, while still keeping your goofball, authentic self. I salute your growth.
  • Will Richardson you came to the show and I was happy to see you up until you opened your mouth. You treated the game like a superficial competition. The only thing I can give you props for is that you had the balls to admit your mistake in the end. It means you grew a bit more and I hope you keep learning and appear in more shows.
  • Dom Gabriel wears his heart on a sleeve and he was one of the most genuine people that you can find. Unfortunately, because of that, his love life will always be a draw of luck. I do believe he should become just a bit more assertive in the future.
  • While nobody enjoyed Bartise, I have to say a few things. I do think he is very upfront and not necessarily a dick as described. It does feel like his conversation with Ines came from a place where he didn’t feel appreciated. I respect his switch to Izzy because the difference between them is Izzy’s emotional maturity is shown. Ines appealed to his emotional, empathic side. Abbey drew more of his childish endeavors, but Izzy appealed to his level of maturity.
  • Abbey is a child who doesn’t exactly understand that human emotions work differently for everyone. Her insecurities show up through impulsive reactions. While I can’t blame her for that, I do think she should have been the model for bisexual women instead of Francesca. I had a lot of expectations on that part and I do respect her for sticking up to her values. She does have a lot to grow in her level of understanding.

People will say this is a reality TV Show and that it was scripted and that is exactly why Netflix failed. A reality show should not have scripted scenes and should choose scripted scenes that do not bring confusion to the viewer. The outcomes and decisions should consist of scenes that build up to it and make sense.

The fact that Netflix failed in doing so only shows that they centered the show on ratings. They didn’t focus on actually making a good show.

P.S. For anyone saying Francesca Farago was savage and a bad bitch I will say this. A bad bitch is brutally honest and sticks to her decisions without trying to save face in interviews. Own it up! A savage person is not afraid of confrontations and stands her ground but she failed in doing so also.