Barbie doll

Mai stiti acum 20 de ani cand fetitele se jucau cu papusile Barbie si cumva, am fi vrut sa ajungem sa aratam cumva ca ele fiindca erau la moda, mai era si melodia de la Aqua pe care o fredonam inainte sa ajung sa ascult Marilyn Manson sau Three Days Grace. Cumva papusa aia plastica cu forme perfecte, pielea bronzata si machiajul perfect era ceva la care sa aspiri in copilarie, dar timpul a trecut.

Cumva, de-a lungul timpului ideea de frumusete s-a schimbat de la buzele roz la buzele rosii si tenul palid. Parul blond se transformase in roscatul acela rar cu pistrui sau negru ca taciunea desi undeva tot visam macar odata sa am si buclele de aur. Am avut si imi statea ca un cur, dar macar mi-am facut damblaua si la un moment dat imi cumparasem si lentile albastre ca sa fie totul cum trebuie. Eh, timpul a trecut si prin facultate deja nu mai conta atat de mult culoarea parului, culoarea pielii sau a ochiilor ci am inceput sa caut simetria si sa apreciez simetria trasaturilor. Pe de alta parte, un zambet senin era ca un mic ” buna dimineata” intr-o zi cu soare.

Standardele de frumusete  fizice cumva s-au schimbat de la ceva superficial la ceva fizic care cumva era imbunatatit de personalitatea omului. Acum, in schimb, ma intristez sa vad cate femei au ramas la standardele de papusele Barbie in care avem sprancenele tatuate, obrajorii plini de acid hialuronic si buzele date cu botox. Ce sa mai, golul femeilor in viate este sa arate ca niste rate pictate de Van Gogh dupa o repriza de LSD. Nu mai este deloc apreciat primul rid fin sau cearcanele care iti dadeau o alura mai goth cand putem sa avem totul perfect. Putem avea formele perfecte dupa ce bagam bisturiul in noi, putem avea barbatul perfect dupa ce il sufocam in decolteul scandalos si ii trimitem un botic de rata rujata cu oglinda intoarsa.

Unde este femeia eleganta ? Femeia care denota frumusete prin gesturi si imbracamintea care lasa loc imaginatiei ? Unde este femeia clasica care nu are nevoie de un masacru al fetei cu kilogramele de make up pe ea ca sa impresioneze? Chiar s-a ramas in acel stadiu al copilariei in care femeia perfecta a ajuns papusa Barbie ? Femeia, in zilele noastre pare a fi in portretul de copila superficiala si plastifiata. Avem optiuni cu carul si totusi putine relatii se leaga fiindca majoritatea se destrama dupa ce se duce atractia fizica. Aceea atractie fizica pe care se bazeaza femeile Barbie si care se concentreaza atat de mult pe ea ca dupa cateva luni sau un an, iti dai seama ca ai o forma fara fond langa tine.

Anita Sarkeesian doesn’t represent me nor any female gamer!

You have all heard about the constant battle between Anita Sarkeesian and Gamergate. I have been following both of their tweets not to pick any side but to see if what she says has any truth in it. She is the kind of person that says to have been harassed, faced with death threats and constantly being belittled for what she does. Let’s start off from the begining and see where she started.

She first became popular on a site for donating called kickstarter where she practically made money with the promise of making videos about certain gaming characters. The goal was reached and actually overreached since she got „6,968 backers pledged $158,922 to help bring this project to life but the promises were not held.

  • $7,500 – Voodoo Priestess/Tribal Sorceress (Tropes Video #6)
  • $9,000 – Women as Reward (Tropes Video #7)
  • $10.500 – Mrs. Male Character (Tropes Video #8)
  • $12,000 – „Ugly” = Evil (Tropes Video #9)
  • $13,500 – Man with Boobs (Tropes Video #10)
  • $15,000 – Special Video To Be Announced If Goal Magically Reached!

So, there were supposed to be 10 videos but if you check her youtube channel, there are only 6 videos and this project was funded in 2012 so it has been a while but the videos didn’t appear. What does that say to us? That she basically scammed the persons who actually funded her project and did not respect the made promises.

Anita Sarkeesi now is a representative of feminist frequency. I actually checked her tweets and videos only to see a few patterns that currently reside everytime she is interviewed or questioned by the media:

  1. She never stops complaining about death threats and harassment.
  2. In her every video she needs to mention gamergate and the people that harass her from this group.
  3. Whenever asked by people about her goals, she always gives out the female in a flimsy armor or the female used as decoration.
  4. In all her videos she also says about the damsel in distress stereotype.

We can see that first of all, she strikes to draw pitty upon herself from the audience so they she will grow sympathy from them. Next, she pulls in the name card so that her opposition will be viewed as something negative and will be remembered as something unthrustfull and negative in case people doubt her. Her next two opinions are general and used everytime eventhough she gives proof of a lack of understanding the diversity in video games. Sure, there are videos like that but i clearly remember world of warcraft, mass effect, Diablo and many other games that do not fit her pattern yet she mentions nothing of them. Maybe she doesn’t have enough popularity to go against a big company like Blizzard or she might be afraid that the companies have the balls to actually press charges against her for slander.

Let’s all forget who Anita Sarkeesian is and focus on what she represents. She represents Feminist gamers yet i do wonder something. Why do the feminists agree to be represented by someone who basically scammed people on kickstarter? Why does the media never ask her questions about the kickstarter project? She clearly isn’t a positive image to behold or to be represented by so why does no feminist jump on her head about these things that she has done? Why do they let her grow in popularity when she clearly does it for popularity and more money not for the ethics of it? Those questions will probably be left unanswered as feminists do not engage in criticism and neither does she. For someone who believes in her freedom of speech and changes, she doesn’t accept any critic since her videos have disabled comments so that tells us only one thing: she’s either afraid of being called what she is or of people that could change her followers opinion.

Another thing that you should take notice about her character are the tweets that she sends and just today i found some that clearly states what kind of person she is:


You can see here that she indulges in brainwashing people because she says so not because people would have enough judgment to see what and who is right  ( see Tweet with gamergate hates women). Another one is her nature of judging people that would invite her to a show and her opinion when she clearly dislikes the person. Her personality is one of a person that provokes people and would not accept the consequences of her words but is that right? Is it right to provoke with words and then behave like a victim if people tell her off? I think not and i think feminists should find a more intelligent person to represent them not this vindictive little scammer.

One thing she also confuses and seem to confuse are people with trolls. Just because she has received harassment from someone who has ” gamergate” on following doesn’t mean that the whole group of gamergate is harassing her. NO, make the difference between internet trolls who will engage in these kind of discussion and the group gamergate. If you can’t make that difference then you’re just an attention whore with a problem towards the group itself seeking any chance to relate any troll to it.

I have to say one thing: this person doesn’t represent female gamers and will never represent real women. Real women would not accept to be represented by someone who clearly cares more about her vendettas with a group, who can’t take criticism, who complains about harassment and yet provokes it within her tweets, who scams people with the promise of a project yet fails to respect it. I refuse to be represented by a person with clearly a lack of morals and respect for anyone who might challenge her to a real debate.

Feminism and equality are like two sticks that never meet.

Lately, i have seen more feminism articles then i see posts on forums which is actually annoying because most of the posts are shit. For instance, one feminism calls out Jurassic World as being a sexist movie and her only logical reason for it was ” the main female character is a stone cold frigid woman who gets her clock ticking at the end of the movie”. Yes, it’s exactly as stupid as it sounds and i won’t even try to debate why because the movie doesn’t see seeking confort in a personal life as being wrong after a traumatic event, just feminists do.

So, let’s take a look at Daily Dot which is a newspaper that lately has been filled with feminist articles and we shall take two examples. A few months ago an article with a girl getting revenge on her cheating boyfriend appeared and daily dot was like ” You go Girl” and glorifying the event. Today, an article with ” boyfriend gets revenge on cheating girlfriend appeared ” and Daily Dot shared it on facebook with the words „real mature”. This is an example of the equality that the feminists promote nowadays. Promote isn’t even the right word since all they do is called a „propaganda” which is supposed to be illegal but oh well. Daily Dot, we recommend you get new writers that aren’t so plain subjective. That’s if … you don’t want to resort to having only feminists followers, do you Daily Dot? Feminism

Besides that, this week we had a reporter who went to a slut walk and actually confronted the feminists logic with statistics and facts. Guess what happened, she got pushed around and they actually tried to silence her opinions. How? They wrote a petition full of lies which have been uncovered after and tried to run her out. How is this normal? The girl didn’t bully, didn’t insult anyone of them and yet the feminists accused her of trying to silence their opinions when that’s exactly what they did to her. The thing that bothered them most also was that some guys after giving consent sent the host to withdraw consent. Hello? When you give consent for an interview, you can’t take it back unless it brings harm to your image, reputation or enviromment. Also, why those guys that gave consent didn’t have their own balls to ask Lauren themselves to take them out of the interviews. Hello, who cut your balls guys? The feminists?

Also, what are the reasons for these slut walks. I mean, how do you think you can change the view on a woman’s body and prevent rape? Oh, you want to provoke rape by dressing as provocatively as you can and actually draw attention? Because it’s exactly what you’re doing and rapists don’t care about the fact that it’s your body. Rapists don’t care about your person but only about their desire. They act upon their desire and instinct so putting yourselves dressed like that at a slut walk is like putting a target on your head. You want a random rapist to see you, get obsesed over you because they saw more half of your body at a slut walk, well you’re doing it right then. Also, how dare you also bring out minors to such an event.How idiotic can you be to actually do that….

There are so many reasons why i’m not a feminists and these happenings do nothing but encourage me to never be a feminist because it’s never about gender equality.

Women are privileged and we all know that. The law privileges them in custody, sentences and even professionally. They are privileged at work places and their careers but also even in divorces. And they want more rights yeah? Yes, they do because they want people to stop making jokes about them or about women in general. Because you know, my male friends always get upset when i do funny jokes about males. Newsflash, they don’t because they know how to make a difference between humor and reality. Feminists don’t because in all matter, their manner of acting could be compared to comunism only this would be a „vagina comunism” for these reasons:

1. They don’t accept different opinions then theirs and instead of debating, they bully the person who had it.

2. They try to brainwash you with the vision of gender equality but you can clearly see in their actions or words that it’s all about the female supremacy. See example with the article up ^^.

3. They want people to act normal to them but they only know how to bully, push, shove and try and do the worst to a person whom they don’t like.

4.They are so indoctrinated by their own views that they cannot phantom the liberty for other views.

I’ll just end this article with two video that i think everyone should see and learn from it. What feminism used to be an evolution, now it’s only an involution.

People, if you believe so much in feminism, real feminism then change the countries that actually discriminate women not the countries that give them equality. If not..then feminists you are not but FemiNazi.

By the way, the feminists managed to run this chick off youtube. FemiNazi much? The chick in the video up ^^